
2025 Dues
Payment link: Pay here
Dues process here: HOA Dues Collection Process
Contact information: Green Country HOA Management | (918) 901-9311
Contact Information
Green Country HOA Management
Green Country is our HOA Management Company. They handle the financial, administrative and management needs of the HOA. Green Country takes direction from the Board and implements the Board's decisions. Green Country has no control nor authority outside the direction of the Board. They are also the liaison between Southern Reserve homeowners and the Board of Directors. Complaints, questions, and concerns need to go to Green Country.
Helpful Links & Phone Numbers
  • Jenks Police Department
    Non-Emergency: (918) 299-6311



Neighborhood News
The HOA Board hired a company to do a "Reserve Study" in Jan. 2019. In order to maintain and preserve market values of both the residential and the Reserve areas (there are (26) Reserve areas in Southern Reserve, which include the amenities and common areas), an HOA must develop funding plans for future repair or replacement of major common-area components, such as swimming pools, decks, asphalt surfaces, concrete areas, permitter fencing, and much more. Thus, a Reserve Study provides guidance on how much our HOA should be putting aside monthly for reserves so it can meet the future obligations described above without requiring special assessments.
The Reserve Study is complete and the full report can be found under the "documents" tab.

If you are interested in volunteering for a committee, please contact Green Country HOA

Our Neighborhood is on Facebook. All member requests must be approved by an admin. Questions must be answered before admins will approve. It is a great way to have real time communication. It is a great place to have friendly chat and news between the neighbors. Facebook Page

Upcoming Events
No Events at this time.
Friendly Reminders

If you need to replace your mailbox, below is the required replacement for Southern Reserve. The original mailbox is obsolete but the replacement is the same just with no cement base:
Street Lamps of America

They can be reached at 918-622-8809 or visit https://www.streetlamps.com/

Please, leash your dog when walking the streets and common areas including the ponds and soccer field.  Please use the dog park when you want to let them run free and interact with other dogs (as long as your dog is social).
Southern Reserve follows Jenks’ ordinances. The City of Jenks leash law states that no dog nor cat can be off its owner's property unless the dog is under leash or at heel or the cat is in the physical control of its owner. Animals may be at-large in AG-zoned, un-platted areas provided they are not vicious or constitute a nuisance as defined elsewhere in City Ordinances. Animal Control or police offers enforce local leash laws in the City of Jenks. Animal Control has the authority to catch stray animals. Jenks Police Officers will issue citations, if necessary.

Are you painting your house or making other modifications to the exterior of your property? Be sure and obtain approval by submitting the Architectural Request Form to Green Country.

Tennis balls, footballs, baseballs, frisbees, nerf balls, and all other objects used for throwing are not allowed in the pool. If it would hurt to get hit in the head with it, it’s not allowed. We’ve received complaints in the past with people getting hit by objects. Nerf balls (or other soft balls) were allowed previously but the Pool Ccommittee decided the pool is too small and crowded to continue.

We have heard from numerous neighbors about parking problems in Southern Reserve. We take those concerns very seriously. Per our covenants, all residents should park in their garages, on driveways, or if applicable in the overflow parking lots. While we can't enforce parking problems, Jenks Police can. Any car left in one spot on the street for more than 24 hours is subject to a ticket from Jenks Police. That also includes cars blocking mailboxes, driveways, as well as cars not parked correctly on the street. Thanks for your help in making Southern Reserve a safe place

One of the core objectives of the HOA Board of Directors is keeping home values as high as possible. To that end, we would like to encourage everyone to return their garbage cans to the side of their house after our pickup day. Overflowing garbage cans in plain sight from the street are not a good look for the neighborhood and are actually in violation of the covenants. We know this will be a little more inconvenient for some but it will help give our neighborhood a more “kept up” appearance. Trash cans in front of garages tend to turn off buyers as they enter the neighborhood. Below is a picture of where we would like to see trash cans. Thanks for your cooperation!

Power Outage / Street Light Out:
You can contact OG&E or PSO (depending on the location in the neighborhood) to report any power outages/problems. You're also able to report when a street light that is out.

Help keep our amenities clean:
We've received several complaints regarding trash being left at the basketball court in the back of the neighborhood and at the ponds. Please remember to pick up after yourselves.

Street parking:
Section IV, A.9: "Parking on the street is reserved for owners guest and visitors. Owner’s vehicles ( or vehicles under their dominion and control )shall not be parked or stored in any street,  nor in any other manner which  impairs or impedes  sidewalk use or other public access. Owners shall keep their respective garages free from clutter and debris so that garages maybe consistently used for the parking and/or storage vehicles."

Over - flow  lots:
Section IV #9 applies to the over - flow lots. Any type of vehicle, motorcycle, motor bike, camper, trailer, boat, ATV, RV, trailer or similar vehicle/equipment, whether operable, shall not be parked in the over - flow lots for more than 48 hours. More than 3/4 ton not permitted in over flow. Ton is to be referred to the load capacity of a truck. After the 48 - hour period, it is subject to tow at the owner's expense, as the signs state in the over-flow lots

Trash cans:
Section IV, A. 11: "All household garbage, trash cans, rubbish or litter shall be stored from street view until twelve (12) hours before the designated date for collection.  All waste containers must be removed from the curbside and screened from roadway view within 12 hours after refuse  Collection vehicles empty to containers."
Neighborhood Amenities

We have two gorgeous ponds, nine and seven acres, with fountains and plenty of fish! The ponds are fully stocked with catfish, bass, and blue gill. The ponds are *catch and release* and for homeowners only. You might even receive a visit from the Bald Eagles that nest within a couple hundred yards of the ponds! We also have great walking trails surrounding the ponds.


BASKETBALL COURTS (2): One near pool, one in Phase 5 



Welcome to the Southern Reserve Home Owners Association website. We hope you will visit our website often to check for information and updates about Southern Reserve. 
Southern Reserve is a residential community in Jenks, OK, with 443 homes, two beautiful ponds, a walking trail, pool, playground, dog park and basketball courts. Our neighborhood offers quiet living where you’re able to live “away from it all” without compromising easy access to some of the best shopping, restaurants, and entertainment in the Tulsa area.
If you're looking for something specific, head over to the "site search" under the menu tabs!