chevron_rightHow do I get my pool code? (Updated)
Green Country will mail pool codes to each home/property owner prior to opening the pool for the 2025 season. As long as you have a zero balance with HOA dues, your pool code will work. If you lose your pool code or your code does not work, you will need to contact Green Country.If you're a renter, you will need to contact your landlord or leasing company for your pool code. It is the responsibility of the home/property owner (landlord, leasing company, etc) to provide tenants with pool codes (Green Country will distribute the pool codes to them at the same time Green Country provides the pool codes to homeowners).Incidents of pool rule violations will be handled by the Board on a case-by-case basis, but it can include permanent pool code revocation and banishment from the pool area.
chevron_rightDo I have to get approval to paint my house a different color?
Yes, unless you're repainting your house using the original color.All modifications to the exterior of your property, including painting, fences, and landscaping must be approved by the Architectural Committee prior to beginning the project.The Architectural Review Form can be found under the "documents" tab
chevron_rightMailbox Repair & Replacements
The HOA does not repair or replace mailboxes. If your mailbox (not the metal pedestal) is damaged or requires repair you can easily replace the mailbox with an exact replica from Lowe’s or Home Depot (standard sized, architectural, black metal mailbox only, links below). The new mailbox bolts onto the post base with four existing bolts. Remove the four bolts, remove the damaged mailbox, replace with a new replica mailbox and reinstall the bolts.If your pedestal/base needs repair or replacement please call Jerry Benish with Mr. Mailbox at (918) 698-1504 or Street Lamps of America, 918-622-8809, https://www.streetlamps.com/.Our covenants require standardized mailboxes and mailbox pedestals. Southern Reserve mailboxes should not be painted other colors or be modified in any manner.
chevron_rightWhere can I find out more about the neighborhood and/or see a copy of the neighborhood Covenants and Bylaws? (Updated)
The Covenants and Bylaws are located under the "documents" tab.We also have a very active Facebook page, the link is on the front page of the website.
chevron_rightHow do I get involved with the HOA?
Join our committees (see below)! Contact Green Country if you are interested!ArchitecturalLandscapingPoolSocial/welcome
chevron_rightDoes the neighborhood have HOA meetings?
The Board meets monthly. The neighborhood annual meeting is held around Spring. Time and place is communicated via our Facebook page and in our annual letter to each homeowner.Minutes of the meetings are posted under the "documents" tab.
chevron_rightHow many homes are in Southern Reserve and how old is the neighborhood?
There are 443 homes in Southern Reserve with 26 "Reserve" areas (common areas). The neighborhood was built from 2008 - 2018.
chevron_rightIs there an HOA Board of Directors?
Our first Board of Directors were elected in November 2018. Prior to that, the neighborhood was under Owasso Land Trust, the developers, from 2008-2018.There are 7 Board members, which can be found under the "HOA Board" tab.
chevron_rightMy neighbor keeps parking in the street, whom do I contact?
Per our covenants; all residents should park in their garages, on driveways, or if applicable in the overflow parking lots. While we can't enforce parking problems, Jenks Police can. Please contact non emergency.Any car left in one spot on the street for more than 24 hours is subject to a ticket from Jenks Police. That also includes cars blocking mailboxes, driveways, as well as cars not parked correctly on the street.
chevron_rightWhat is a Reserve Study? (Updated)
In order to maintain and preserve market values of both the residential and the Reserve areas (there are 26 Reserve areas in Southern Reserve, which include the amenities and common areas), an HOA must develop funding plans for future repair or replacement of major common-area components, such as swimming pools, decks, asphalt surfaces, concrete areas, and much more. Thus, a Reserve Study provides guidance on how much money our HOA should be putting aside monthly for reserves so it can meet the future obligations described above without requiring special assessments.
chevron_rightWhat is the difference amongst the HOA, HOA Management Company and the Board of Directors?
The HOA consists of all property owners within Southern Reserve. Each and every owner is a member of the HOA. Membership is not optional.The Board of Directors consists of 7 Southern Reserve homeowners who have been elected to conduct the day-to-day business of the HOA and make the decisions that affect all Southern Reserve owners.Green Country is our HOA Management Company. They handle the financial, administrative and management needs of the HOA. Green Country takes direction from the Board and implements the Board's decisions. Green Country has no control nor authority outside the direction of the Board. They are also the liaison between Southern Reserve homeowners and the Board of Directors.
chevron_rightWhere can I view what my money is going toward?
Expense reports are under the “expense report” tab via the website (registered username and password required).
chevron_rightWhom do I call if I have a question?
chevron_rightWhy do I have to pay homeowner dues?
It is the owner's financial obligation to the homeowner's association during a given period of time-usually one year. It covers the owner's share of the costs for such things as landscaping, pool care, water, electricity and other expenses that are necessary for the neighborhood. All owners in a neighborhood with an HOA pay yearly dues.
chevron_rightWhy do we have overflow parking?
Overflow parking is for residents and their guests. Passenger vehicles and pickups only.Section IV #9 applies to the over - flow lots. Any type of vehicle, motorcycle, motor bike, camper, trailer, boat, ATV, RV, trailer or similar vehicle/equipment, whether operable, shall not be parked in the overflow lots for more than 48 hours. More than 3/4 ton not permitted in overflow. Ton is to be referred to the load capacity of a truck. After the 48-hour period, it is subject to tow at the owner's expense, as the signs state in the overflow lots.